The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt

Video 1 hour 14 mins

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America using Soviet Education System

Charlotte Iserbyt EXPOSES and WARNS of the New USA Communist
centralised Education System that is the model for all countries to follow to dumb people down and take
away Americans freedom to be individuals and to transform people into
dumbed down obedient workers for the ruling elites because they say
OVER POPULATION is the number one threat on our planet and they are in
the process of DEPOPULATION from 7 billion to 500 million people within the 21st century.

On video 3/5 At 11:55mins in 2002 Gorbachev said the European Union is the
new european soviet and USA is renamed the north American soviet.
On video 3/5 At 7:15mins Charlotte finds out Ronald Reagan had signed
an agreement
with Gorbachev to merge the American and Russian education systems.


Charlotte Iserbyt worked as head of policy for education when Ronald Reagan was president
Charlotte's sons website
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of
Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 1/5

At 52sec the Carnegie trust asked in 1910 what is the best way to
change an entire people they came to the conclusion that war was the
most effective way then WWI began                                                                                                                                                          

At 2mins the recruitement of the Rockefeller institution by the US goverment

The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of
Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 3/5
At 2:45mins the school education coming out of Washington is total
marxist brainwashing and is the world of the future unless it is
stoped right now.
At 4mins Charlotte wrote to president Reagan who she worked with and
explained the education system has become a marxist factory designed
to destroy good values to make it easy to impose a future
socialist,communist world government on the American people
At 5:40mins Charlottes letter is on her website on pdf format
At 7:05mins the marxist education system in America is the end of
freedom and prosperity for average citizens designed to dumb people
At 7:15mins Charlotte finds out Ronald Reagan had signed an agreement
with Gorbachev to merge the American and Russian education systems
At 10:25mins Charlotte says mayors must not go along with any agenda
for regional government or consolidation because if schools,police
forces merge they are told its to save money but in reality they are
lying because consolidation is communism and the begining of a
totalitarian police state dictatorship controling America and other
countries in europe and the rest of the world will follow this
communist system.

At 11:55mins in 2002 Gorbachev said the European Union is the new
european soviet

At 12:20mins one reason for war in the middle east is to destroy the
political systems of the middle east to re-structure it as a new
region in the NEW WORLD ORDER,the north American union will be renamed
the north American soviet.

The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of
Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 4/5
At 8mins in the 1990s Americans were up in arms about the destruction
of there school system,David Hornberch went to different states
destroying the school systems.
At 10:10mins Norman Dodd said the whitehouse agenda was to change
America so it could be comfortably merged with the soviet union
At 13:45 the Carnegie trust asked in 1910 what is the best way to
change an entire people they came to the conclusion that war was the
most effective way then WWI began
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of
Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 5/5
At 48sec the Carnegie institue sent a message to president Woodrow
Wilson insisting WWI not to end too qucikly
At 8:20mins C.S. Louis said if you substitue work force training for
education (i think she ment education for work force training) this
will end civilization because it degrades all people to labourer
slaves,demoralised with no spirit or conscience or free will just like
the former USSR
At 11:20mins Charlotte says the people imposing this communist school
system are evil people
At 11:48mins a book written in the 1700s warning about a conspiracy to
destroy all religions and monarchies and governments and families by
the Free Masons and Illuminati
At 13mins children are to be trained and educated like animals to be
used as slaves for the corporations and elites this was approved by
skull and bones the secret group all former and present presidents are
members of.
The Alex Jones Show 12/28/10: Inside Skull & Bones with Charlotte Iserbyt
Interview starts at 1:13:00
JMP Charlotte Iserbyt 30 Jan 2009
Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country Conference
At 43:50mins the cold war was a completely phoney fabricated war


20.02.2017 12:23


Alex is known to be a CIA. How can he be trusted. I have seen this lady on a video and it seems she went along with the system. People are aware of the one world system,but can this be stopped.

13.02.2016 11:46

